The house is situated surrounded by a rural environment ideal for hiking and walking among nature.
Some interesting routes around the house are:
-Rocacorba des de Canet
Ascent by Ma Verd and descent by the stream of Rocacorba
Approximate time: 2h 30 '
Route link
Route link
Route link
On the caire, rock of Mascaró and return by the river
Approximate time: 6h 35 '
Enllaç of the route
-Ruta Can Nadal 1
Tour around Can Nadal
Approximate time: 2h48 '
Route link
-Travels around Canet
Route link
Route link
Route link
-Volcano of the Puig d'Adri
Route link
-Canet d'Adri-Boratuna
Route link
-More routes in Can Nadal